"My Words Have Power"


Clarence Reveals His Big Idea

by: Nicole Kim Phillipsl

What I was thinking is, I want to move on this business idea.  My strategy is to approach it differently, than the bicycle umbrella idea.  The patent I had expired and because I did not execute on getting the money behind it, it was never developed past the prototype stage.  Besides being more practical, this idea has the potential for growth and can help those who are recovering in Skilled Nursing Facilities, and students who are attending college away from home.  What I need are numbers.  Researching the number of colleges and universities in Florida and how many rehabilitation centers exist will tell me a lot about the market for my cozy pillows.  My idea is to create pillows, in various sizes, with the words Home Away From Home embroidered on the front. In order to gather the information I need, I want to visit the library and look through a few reference books.  What do you think?

Josiah started to nod his head, and he responded saying, the library sounds like a good place to start.  You can decide on the specifics about production after you figure out what your budget will be.  Wondering how I got here?  The hospital stay made me start to think about things that would have made my stay more pleasant.  What I started to realize was, something that reminded me that I could be comfortable and also feel like I was at home, is something I wanted and needed, during my hospital stay. Are you still sipping on tea?  Yeah, Josiah, but I am almost done. What I am trying to figure out is, why didn't you just have a drink?  It's not like you are driving.  While I am recovering, I am trying to cut back on alcohol consumption. Are you ready?  I want to get back home before the end of the day so I can... 

I am an Author of a Children's Book entitled: "Visiting Granny In Mississippi" (Read my Book Summary)