There is power in words! Knowing this made it impossible for her to keep living and existing in a box, feeling as if she had no voice. Therefore, she took her power back and in 2007. Nicole began anew with a mission to use words and her love for people and products to speak through Abornewords, a Blogging Platform used to create brand awareness. Though the focus changed from being Blog Post centered to creating Brand Advert Pages, Nicole still uses video, audio and photos as tools to help create, deliver, and share content in the digital space on various platforms, keeping the masses informed and entertained. The Seasoned Influencer realizes the importance of being a part of the many conversations happening online everyday and being a Digital Creator allows her to be included in them, connecting her to people across the globe.
Highlights on school and career:
Earned CDL Licensure at Career Tech in Lakeland, Florida. Attended a Eastern Florida State College, name was placed in a national Talent Roster for outstanding Undergraduate Students, had first College experience at age 25 attending Louisiana Technical College (Sidney N. Collier Campus), Became a Licensed Health Agent in 2015, Earned People & Business Leadership Certificate in 2022 at Bellevue University, has a diverse employment background including Healthcare, Retail, Sales, and Clerical Experience, creatively inspired to deliver informative content in the digital space, values using written language to communicate, believes in leading by example