Positive role models matter a lot and can be very influential in a young childs life. In your own family , you certainly want to have someone around that encourages everone to strive to excellence. As goals are acheived success becomes a part of your family history. It's a maker and a way to retrogress on great accomplishments. Proud moments of objectives fulfilled that gives younger members of the family something to look up too.Role models are just as important as having a positive self image. That's why, the toys that we choose for our kids affect the way they see themselves. In our homes and outside in the larger society children about sending and receiving messages that affect ideas on a cultural level. Therefore, choosing toys, books, and other items that nurture positive attitudes will help align ideas concerning ethnicity and diversity.
An ad that ran in S2S Magazine featuring Uzuri Kid Kidz Partyware helped me to really evaluate my role as a mentor and parent within my own family. Uzuri's tage line is "At Uzuri Kid Kidz we think all kids are beautiful" and that is so powerful. I love that concept. Take a look this African American Ballerina Doll from Uzuri.
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African American Ballerina Doll.
Other Uzuri Products
are available too. I particularly like the the Ballerina Doll because I just love ballerinas. The Whoopi Goldberg book, Sugar Plum Ballerinas
Toeshoe Trouble is one of my favorite childrens books. I purchased it for my great niece because it opens the door for discussions about relationships between family members, friends, and moral behavior. Uzuri Kid Kidz is the place to shop for all your party needs for boys and girls. Birthday Parties, Slumber Parties, or goody bags. Get everything you need to make social occassions special. For a look inside Whoopi Goldberg's book Click Here
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