During the holidays the wide variety of food available sometimes makes you full just looking at it. Nonetheless, it's something I look forward to every year. Mealtime brings everyone together, and it is comforting when I reflect on all the things I have to be thankful for.

Sweet Potatoes are tasty vegetables, and thanks to our great Agricultural Chemist George Washington Carver, we can enjoy eating these vegetables while feeling a great sense of pride. Pumpkins are no match for Sweet Potatoes. This nutrient filled vegetable is not only good for dessert. Let's talk heath benefits and the body. Sweet Potatoes contain Vitamin A which promotes healthy looking skin, aids in visual capacity for night time, is a vital nutrient for normal reproduction, and it helps in immune response. In honor of Turkey Day and because I love sweet potatoes so much, we wanted to present you with a good recipe for sweet potatoe casserole. The details are listed on the Cooking Light Website. Our tradition has always been to do sweet potatoes in the pie crust (ordinary sweet potatoe pie). After finding this wonderful recipe, we are seriously thinking about changing our normal routine for the holidays. Seeing the picture was okay but that wasn't enough to convince us. The introduction before the recipe link revealed more details as I read. Toasted pecans were included! That's why, if I had to say no to pie, Sweet Potatoe Casserole would be my first choice. It's a lighter version than regular old pie containing only 186 calories per serving. The nutritional facts are also listed directly beside the recipe, so there's no guessing about caloric intake. Can you say happy waistline?
Preheat oven to 375°.
Place the sweet potatoes in a Dutch oven, and cover with cold water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 15 minutes or until very tender. Drain; cool slightly. Link to Recipe
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