Falling off the horse with your exercise routine does not mean you have to throw in the towel all together. Business lifestyles require that we create schedules that work so that we get our daily task completed in a timely manner. Creating the ideal schedule takes some experience and requires that you are able to measure time frames correctly. The ability comes from actually doing the work. Even when we think that we have perfected the ability to schedule everything right and stay on task, sometimes we still have to shift gears by alternating routines to complete all of our to do's.

Somewhere in between all the normal task, many of us find ourselves at a point squeezing in fitness. Although, you may set aside enough time to get your workout over and done with. If so, you are one of the lucky ones. For everyone who fell off the horse, there is still hope for you yet. The first thing you need to do is: find some encouragemen!. Maybe you do not have a personal trainer to tell you to run instead of walking, so Abornewords wants to offer you a push in the right direction. Run and don't give up! Someone still needs you to be their legs, so please be strong and continue your journey to a healthy lifestyle. If that is not enough take notes from someone who inspires you to go on! A picture of you in motion, running your usual route, a memory of you wearing that dress that is now to small, or watching DVD's or a television show that includes others working out may be just what you need to get going. If you are still having trouble, let us offer you a dose of Kelly Ripa, you know her from the Regis and Kelly Show. You may be feeling confused and asking yourself, what's it to me? Well, Kelly Ripa has a reputation for being super fit, and besides her super cut body, Ripa is rumored to be able to run 5 miles and has done so through Central Park on numerous occasions. Here's a picture of Kelly Ripa.

Kelly Ripa

We have more, just in case you are still not on board to get your body moving again. Remember Oprah Winfrey's weight loss? Well, we want you to think about what Oprah did after she had trained so hard to get fit. She ran In the Marine Corps Marathon in 1994. Here's a picture of her in motion.

There, more than enough inspiration to get you moving once again. Forget about why you started walking and begin your running and exercise routine again with a fresh mind. You can do it. Let's Move!