Kanye West Has Power, J.Cole Has Power Trip, Buyers & Sellers Have Power Too
The concept of having power rest on whether or not you realize you have it and then using it to your advantage to achieve goals. Looking at buying and selling, no matter if it be products or service, presents an opportunity to examine the role of buyers and sellers and how power balances differ for each of the two.

Loyal customers product knowledge, product manufacturers and bargaining skill all present opportunities for an exchange or demonstration of power. Take a look at how Abornewords expresses each of these as a parallel to what Chester L. Karass shared in The Negotiating Game.
Buyers use power to punish when they:
- threaten to take business elsewhere
- they praise a competitor's prices
- they actually shop with your competitors
Legitimacy equates to accuracy and efficiency for the consumer. Favorable reviews gives the manufacturer and suppler leverage against their competition. Loyal customers are a sign of a brands power. The influence helps the brand solidify it's reputation in the market and also helps to ensure profitability. Sales projections are also based on the behavior of loyal customers. Loyal customers create more legitimacy.
Product Knowledge gives sellers more power to close a sale. The fact that the seller is informed really speaks volumes to the buyer. It shows off the sellers dedication and commitment to the brand and employer. Sharing information with the buyer creates a more secure purchasing environment for consumers who may be dubious and indecisive about buying.
Brand Manufacturers as a source of power
When Walgreens decided to introduce their customers to a variety of new brands(Delish, Pet Shoppe, New Beginnings), they were taking power out of the hand of vendors and their competitors who offer similar products.The Negotiating Game called this balance of competition.
The ability to bargain according to Karass is power. Bargaining effectively can mean the difference between closing a sale and seeing a buyer walk out without making a purchase. Bargaining opens the door to a give and take exchange between the buyer and the seller. The role of the seller is to convince the buyer to follow through with making the purchase by offering incentives that could include gifts, discounts, or future savings. A buyers role is to get quality products/services at the lowest cost. Each party has power during the exchange of dialogue before the transaction is complete.
After looking at each of the examples of how power can be used between buyers and sellers, it is obvous that selling is more than just exchanging cash for products/services. These examples of power exchanges show how the roles of buyers and sellers affect the entire team from executives to management to sales representatives directly interacting with consumers.
How have these examples helped you to recognize your own power in business or even your personal life? Do you think you are in a better position to get what you want?
No one will probably ever forget Kanye's Power Song but this is what he had to say about power in Watch The Throne's Murder to Excellence "Time for us to stop and redefine black power 41 souls murdered in 50 hours"
J. Coles Crooked Smile is something that the ladies and gents have to respect but check out his Power Trip Song!
In : Executive Minds
Tags: abornewords kanyewest j.cole buyers sellers
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