Hard Candy: It's All Eyes With Colorful Lashes

Maybe it's just because being in tune with the whole bad girl idea is important and dreaming of sleeping in the wilderness seems more adventurous than staying at a five star hotel, but if I had to choose between portability and edgy, I would probably sway toward edgy which seems more naughty. Compact products can be super efficient, especially for travel and overnight stays, and that would make life a whole lot easier for frequent flyers. Let's not forget about how we love edgy though. Put leather, whips, and chains out of your mind too. While you are at it, try not to think about your banging accessories either. Just think of your face as being a ready canvas and attention getter. Make-up lovers who search magazines, store shelves, and the Internet, for the latest products, will probably appreciate the recognition that we will give decorated lashes, garnished with a little color, on this blog. The yummy fixings, for us brown women with darker skin tones, are all too good! Why all the fuss? Well, it is simply because of a newly found product competing along with some of your favorite brands, in Cosmetics Departments. The brand with the edgy name that has caught the attention of Abornewords is called Hard Candy. It has been featured as the it brand in many of your favorite magazines. Tag ladies; it is time to show your eyes some love!
There is so much to be excited about in the product line, but today we will focus on the Ginormous Volumizing Mascara. The Purple Haze color is perfect for women and girls with darker skin tones. Alfred Fornay, author of The African-American Women's Guide To Successful Make-up and Skin Care, mentioned in his book that colorful mascara of any color works well with darker skin tones, and now we realize what he meant. What a great tip! It is really something to be excited about. Just as your hair is your beauty, your eyes also speak volumes during your everyday interactions. Your eyes often help to ensure that effective communication is not lost when your signals get crossed when interacting with customers. Why not play up your eyes with a product that will give your look a little something extra?
Besides it's super cool name, it comes in a colorful decorative vial with sketched on designs that are eye catching. Hard Candy has products that will give you the edge you need to stand out from the crowd. Look for Hard Candy at you nearest Supercenter and go from groceries, very easily, to make-up trendy. Going against the grain of choosing the usual black or black-brown mascara may not work for everyone, but Hard Candy does have something for the adventurous types who love portability and edgy. Why not indulge and choose some Hard Candy on your next shopping trip?
In : Beauty
Tags: hard candy mascara makeup
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