Kelis just released a little something more from her highly anticipated Food Album. Rumble comes after her very musical Jerk Ribs

Rumble is the type of song that will make you recognize that Kelis is ready to fight to reclaim her position as that chic who does music every which way she likes. The Kelis Was Here Album took us on a real ride showing us the type of range we have come to expect from Kelis. Artist creating and performing today are catching onto the style that Kelis has been on. She never put herself in a box. That's why we get the diversity in sound on every album she puts out. Rumble is just a taste of what is yet to come.

In it we get a the sound of the legendary Tina Turner. Isn't it all too convenient that it would come from a Rock Star like Kelis? On the surface, Kelis' Rumble song seems like the perfect contrast to Katy Perry's Roar hit, but it is so much more.

Walgreens Fragrances

Though, Kelis has not yet analyzed Rumble, we took the time to do a little research. Rumble is actually the name of a nourishing drink available in British Columbia. The buzz has been up for local Canadians since early last year. Paul Underwood is one of the brains behind this natural mixture full of kale, agave nectar (a great substitute for honey) and pomegranate. If that sounds good, the list goes on. Check out more here. So far, Dutch Chocolate and Vanilla Maple are the only flavors available.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency helped to bring the product to market. Apparently, there were high expectations for an all natural product. After lots of creative churning of the minds, Paul Underwood decided that artificial ingredients would not be included in his nourishing drinks.

Looks like Kelis' Food Album living up to expectations in name and sound. Food is really turning out to be something extra. Put your glasses up everyone! We have something else to celebrate. The drink containers are also made of recyclable materials. Good to drink and good for the environment.

Listen to Kelis' love Rumble below. Then, click play for a look at an announcement teaser! Kelis is in a tug-a-war with a lover again. Can you relate?