Abornewords Music: Who Says White Girls Can't Rap?

Still on that Love & Hip-Hop tip. Without question the craziness continues in the area of love. Your crazy may be different from what you saw on the VH1 portrayal of the soap opera type lifestyles of the Love &Hip-Hop Cast. Good for you! For those of you who are involved in your own little love triangles or something that is just as thrilling and tumultuous, what we will share here just might give you a little inspiration to persevere. The circumstances of your situation may not stir you enough into a frenzy to make you shout from the roof top screaming love, hate or something in between. Fine. Just think about what could happen if you are backed into a corner enough to make some noise in the name of love. Love me or love me not words will roll from your tongue, when you are so touched by its name. Mimi Faust was sort of forced into her rooftop moment, after being cast to Love & Hip-Hop. Taylor Swift did it with the release of her first single from her new album, We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together. That's the very moment that we realized, here at Abornewords, that white girls can rap!
Some Music Industry Professionals will agree that Country Music is very similar to Rap Music. Shoot, it is the next of kin, if you ask the right person. Take T-Pain & Taylor Swifts "Thug Story" song that made way about a couple of years ago. In it, the country, white chic rapped about diamonds in her mouth and diamonds on her mic. She proclaimed that she was a "singer turned gangster" rapping loud "you don't wanna fight me". T-Pain did kind of give her an edge by adding in his auto tuned vocals. Thug Story? Alright! There were still some of us Hip-Hip fans who didn't really pay to much attention, until news reports revealed that Kanye West ended up in Taylor Swifts dressing room, on what was believed to be some gold digger tip. Don't be mad. True fans of the country singer still thought "Thug Story" was pretty cool. Well, you all have something else to rave about now. The release of her first single "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together" from her new album is making noise in the Hip-Hop Community. Yes, the sound is different from "Thug Story", but her quick shortened vocal pitch sounds like lyrical rap verses. Then, she comes in singing "we are never ever ever getting back together". That's when you will be like okay....... We have to give credit where credit is due. She killed it on that song! It's perfect!
We want to make sure that our readers do not miss out on hearing this one. Females need songs like this one to pull them through the ups and downs of relationship woes. Whether you choose to stay or leave, we are not judging you. We just want to recommend this song as a female anthem. Guys can relate too though. "We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together is an ideal song for Mimi Faust. She tweeted one of Joyce Myers quotes on her timeline, so we know she will appreciate this song. Some of you probably had a Granny who kept the Country Music Station on all the time. For those of you who didn't we want to be the spirit of a wise soul and recommend that you take a listen as you watch this white chic go ham! White Chic's Can Rap.
In : Music
Tags: taylor swift mimi faust
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