Dressed in a leather bodice style top, showing off her lovely arms, Ariana Grande look as beautiful as ever and served up the crowd with her new song Problem, a tune that went up for sale last night on itunes. The Radio Disney Music Awards put the 20 year old front and center with her younger fans. According to Just Jared Jr, who shared a tweet from the Singer/Actress, she'd hoped for the single to leak early. Except, she didn't need the added hype, to promote her new hit song. It's a chart topping hit, as of today.
In the song Ariana Grande is turning her nose up to drama, singing "head in the clouds, and no weight on my shoulders I should be wiser and realize what I've got" then Rapper Iggy Azalea comes in with an ultimate assist. Check the song snippet below, then read on for a nice surprise.
Now that you checked out the Singer/Rap Diva combination, get ready for another singing teaser. Their point is clear and that is cool. Now listen to Ms. Tasha, as she vocalizes the beginning of Airana's Almost Is Never Enough. You can hear Ms. Tasha's full range by checking her out on soundcloud.

Photo Credit: Just Jared Jr.
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