Ferrari 2014

Red hot and ready to go fast? Well, we are a head of the game with the showing of the 2014 Ferrari 458 Italiz Trailer. No words can describe this beauty better than fast, hot, and sporty! From front to back, love it, love it, love it. Is your heart racing now? Are you ready to buy, ready to drive, or ready to ride shotgun? The fast car was shown in Frankfurt at a Car Show and described in the context of extreme so much. It seemed clear that the intention was to drill home the Ferrari Brand Messages of extreme passion, extreme technology, and sort of a luxurious novelty. The significance of Italia is said to be a tribute Italy. Here for more details, or just watch videos compliments of the Ferrari Website. Okay, so maybe you can not foot the bill for one of these babies right now. There is still hope for you or your lover of automobiles. Ferrari has opened a store and a couple of things are popping out as special. The Ferrari Calendar and the Ferrari Wrist Watches. You can never go wrong with an office or room calendar for your wall or a great arm piece. The only thing to consider is do you want to up about $100.00 big ones for the calendar and quite a few pretty pennies for the arm bling? Take a look to see if the calendar is hot enough to win you over and share your thoughts about the car, watches, and calendar with us here at Abornewords, in our comment section.

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