The need for education for all people is important to the development of ideologies that will help people, families, and current and future leaders to make meaning contributions in society. Malcolm X stress the importance of education for girls stating "One thing that I became aware of most recently in my travels through Africa and the Middle East and every country that you go to ... the degree of progress can never be separated from the woman.  If you in a country that is progressive, the woman is progressive if you are in a country the reflects the consciousness toward the importance of education, its because the woman is aware of the importance of education but in every backward country, you'll find that the women are backward and for every country that education is not stressed, its because the women don't have education"....

Like Malcolm X I believe in education and that for women it is even more vital because we are contributing in all aspects of our families, influencing our children and also going out into the work force making our marks. That's all. Kudos...

Legacy Of Extraordinary Leadership