Posted by Nicole Kim on Tuesday, January 5, 2016,
In :
Forbidden Fruit
As I say every year, all year-long I'm striving to better myself and be a better person. I understand that, that's the way growth happens and I don't need to align my progress and improvements with an occasion. I am still all for goal setting so do antagonist to make your lives better. When it comes to music and the way I feel about how I listen. Streaming is good but I'm really just a sucker for a good song. That's why I'm on some throwback ish with Black Rob and Diddy. It should be clear th...
Recognizing the talent and creativity of others while using the things I obsess about is what has been one of the driving forces of the creativity here at Abornewords. FF Men is our way of putting guys in the spotlight. Enjoy and Happy Anniversary!