Bloomberg and Beerstreet Journal talked about it must be official. Budweiser fans seem to like it and the numbers prove they are onto something with sales reaching over $4.5 millon dollars. You do not have to be in attendance at the 10th Annual Jazz Age Lawn Party sipping on Golden Age Cocktails like the St. German and Martini & Rossi Sparkling Wines to experience the buzz of something delightful and flavor-able. Bud Lights StrawbeRita has you covered.
After testing it I will say, it classes up regular beer and certainly helped to alleviate the shivery feeling I once experienced from tasting regular beer. Yuck!
The flavor of StrawbeRita's likens to that of New Orleans Daquari's with a shot of ever clear.
Not to be left behind or out of the loop, Rapper E-40 has an alcoholic beverage out called Sluricane and it's catching on fast. The Rapper recently performed along with New Orleans Rapper Mysitcal at an event in Detroit. Are you the StrawbeRita Type or more of an E-40 Sluricane Type?
Tag you're it!