Okay so we have been having some technical difficulties and it took Blog Xilla to help break some of our unfortunate bad technical luck. I'm so pleased to be sharing again I almost want to go off topic but I won't. I can't because I absolutely feel like it is high time for me to share Blog Xilla, The Almighty or dare I say Xilla Valentine. His new website can be found at xillavalentine.com. The site is a relaunch of what use to be marriedtotheblog.com with the same healthy mix of laughter, craziness and lots of dope attitude that's even better than rumors and gossip coming from media leaders these days. Why? Simply because he is telling truths and tales as he calls them and I'm absolutely all in.
Mr. Valentine is into interviewing Celebrities and giving us the visuals on video is something that he is just good at doing. I don't know how many takes it actually takes for him to deliver video goodness but it's just that, goodness! His personality and outspoken attitude keeps me satisfied with the news he shares. The last time we shared Xilla, we were telling you about his interview with Common and sharing a tasty avocado and banana smoothie recipe. Today, we just want to make sure you know that the Blog King is back to on his own personal grind so check out