Abornewords Forbidden Fruit: Fifty Shades Of Grey (Images From The Main Set) Along With Entertainment Weekly Facts And The Brevard County Book Ban

The first book in the series trilogy, Fifty Shades Of Grey, came out with a bang, instantly gaining popularity across the United States and the World. Sharing this recreational release, in over 50 languages, has everyone talking but some are whether sexual submission, even between partners, is really what the image of a liberated woman should be. The book apparently travels on that very thin line between pleasure and pain. The sexual fantasies of women are explored by the talented Author through the main character, Christian Grey's Red Room Of Pain and that very element of the story is what may be rubbing some critics the wrong way.
In the phenomenon "Fifty Shades of Grey", JAMIE DORNAN and DAKOTA JOHNSON step into the iconic roles of billionaire entrepreneur Christian Grey and curious college student Anastasia Steele | Photo Credit: Universal Pictures and Focus Features
The steamy release generated the type of controversy that hit so close to home when all Public Libraries in Brevard County (where I live) banned the first volume in the series back in 2011. The ban here in Florida did not stop the popularity of the title from soaring and selling over 100 million copies worldwide. As a result of that popularity, the book was adapted into a movie which premieres in theaters today. We have been able to get a hold of many stills from the movie set and we even have an image of the female Director Sam Taylor-Johnson, standing behind the camera. Enjoy!
Facts by Entertainment Weekly Contributor, Leslie Bennetts
- Fifty Shades Of Grey has sold more advance tickets on Fandango than any other R-rated film in history
- The rights to the book sold for 5 million dollars
- Charlie Hunnam was replaced by Jamie Dornan for the leading role, Billionaire Christian Grey
- Jamie Dornan is a former Calvin Klein Model
- Forbes listed E L James as the highest earning Author of 2013, estimating her income at 95 million dollars
JAMIE DORNAN stars as billionaire entrepreneur Christian Grey in the phenomenon "Fifty Shades of Grey" | Photo Credit: Universal Pictures and Focus Features
DAKOTA JOHNSON stars as curious college student Anastasia Steele in the phenomenon "Fifty Shades of Grey" | Photo Credit: Universal Pictures and Focus Features
In the phenomenon "Fifty Shades of Grey", JAMIE DORNAN and DAKOTA JOHNSON step into the iconic roles of billionaire entrepreneur Christian Grey and curious college student Anastasia Steele | Photo Credit: Chuck Zlotnick
As Leslie Bennetts in depth article proves, there is still a lot of controversy associated with the male and female gender roles in society, even in this new age where feminism and liberation means equal pay and more women taking on roles in leadership. According to Bennett's research, many women refuse to report sexual crimes that have been initiated against them but are more comfortable talking about their experiences in private. Bennett and others who explore the subject of women and their sexuality can not speak for every woman so E L James and the sexual fantasies revealed in her trilogy, of Fifty Shades of Grey, is not the voice for all women either. The fact is that Fifty Shades of Grey softens the blow on women and their sexual fantasies because the encounters are taking place between individuals who are in a committed relationship and in the end, the girl really gets the guy.
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