The way to encourage and secure the future of our country is to nurture and support the accomplishments of our young people who are working to defy the statistics of high school drop out rates, low college graduation rates, and high felony offender levels leading to incarceration.  Whitney Houston's song  "Greatest Love Of All" reminded us that children are our future. As parents, teachers, and mentors, we have a serious responsibility that requires us to model the type of behavior that will serve as a blueprint for the young people who are entering the workforce as our new leaders in today's society. The past is just what it's called 'history" and today is the promise of a new tomorrow! We sat down with RC Phillips to try and figure out what makes him eager and persistent when it comes to pursing his hopes and dreams for the future, and this is what he said:

Questions & Answers

Q: How do denominational issues affect the way worshipers receive Scripture?  

A: "It confuses scripture and alters the true meaning to make it fit their denomination, and the people of God don't get true revelation."  

Q: What's the best approach to use when your goal is to try to incorporate the values of scripture into your life?

A: "Study the word more, and meditate on it."  

Q: How can a person find balance between spiritual connections and secular life?

A: "The scripture says" Be not conformed to this world but be ye transformed by the renewal of your mind ~ Romans 12:2 "Make sure to never encounter a situation the oversteps your kingdom boundaries."

Q: How does using music improve the church service experience?

A: "Music ushers in the presence of the Lord".

Q: What kinds of things are church leaders doing to make church more appealing to young people?

A: "Accomodating new ideas that are faith based that can relate to the youth of today."

RC Phillips attends Brevard Community College, and works as a Student Assistant part-time. He is 18 years old and dreams of being a Bishop one day.